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The wind power industry usher in a phased recovery opportunities
National Wind Power Information Management Center recently released data show that as of the first quarter of 2013, the national wind power construction scale is still over 40 million kilowatts, which means "five" in the late, the new wind power installed capacity of space is still up year are nearly 15 million kilowatts of wind power industry may usher in a phased recovery opportunities. Such signs of recovery are already beginning to show the first quarter of this year, the country's wind power tender soared trend and performance related companies in the first quarter than in the past have improved, especially the leading wind power equipment manufacturers.
The analysis pointed out that the accelerated pace of wind power will bring the soaring of the tender amount, and then pulled promote equipment manufacturers orders, for wind power equipment manufacturing industry will form a significantly positive. But abandoned wind power rationing phenomenon has not improved, the wind developers improved results is relatively weak.
Interim results of wind power equipment manufacturers
Wind power company's first quarter performance has improved. Wind statistics show that 21 A shares of wind power company ownership of a listed company's shareholders in the first quarter net profit rose 6.69%, which is significantly improved compared with last year's total wind power industry-wide performance all the way down, or even into a loss-making situation.
According to statistics, the top five wind power machine equipment manufacturers, in addition to Sinovel net profit continue to have fallen sharply, Goldwind, Hunan Electric shares results both good news. Goldwind net profit soared 425.52 percent year on year, Hunan Electric shares surged 99.50%. According to the analysis of Guoxin Securities, the direct cause of the improved performance is the the manufacturers cost reduction brought about the improvement in the gross profit margin, such as Goldwind the first quarter of the main wind turbine gross profit margin rose to 17.90% from 16.53% in the last year.
The deeper reason is that the domestic wind power project bidding capacity soared since the beginning of this year. The first quarter of this year, the domestic wind power projects open tender a total capacity of 3.9GW, a year-on-year growth of 74%, nearly half of the total capacity of 8.3GW open tender last year.
Goldwind a quarterly disclosure, as of the end of March this year, the company to be executed orders a total of 4.576 million kilowatts, including 40.4 km offshore outside orders. In addition, the company won the bid have not signed a single 30.79 million kilowatts, a total of 7,654,500 kilowatts of orders in hand.
Sufficient orders in hand than in the past, the equipment manufacturers are expected to make better results for the first half of this year. Wind power components leading Skyway wind energy to achieve a 10% increase in net profit in the first quarter, it is expected that the results for the first half year-on-year increase of 30%, Goldwind expected reporting the results will surge 50%. The weak recovery of the short-term nature of the industry
According to the latest data released by National Wind Power Information Management Center on March 31 this year, the national wind power total approved capacity of 108.46 million kilowatts. And network capacity of 65.71 million kilowatts capacity of 42.75 million kilowatts under construction (including the preliminary work). This means "five" in the late national new wind power installed capacity of space is still up an average of nearly 15 million kilowatts, wind power industry may usher in a phased recovery opportunities.
Such signs of recovery from the current wind power industry on a range of indicators have reflected. The data show that the first quarter of this year, the national wind power new equivalent utilization hours for 542 hours, as projected this year wind power utilization hours will be more than 2100 hours, significantly higher than the level of last year's total of 1959 hours. Guotai Junan Securities analyst pointed out that the wind power utilization hours of the most core indicators to measure operational efficiency and quality of wind power projects, from the current point of view, this indicator needs to be improved in real terms. According to their expected, the leading domestic wind power developers in 2013, China Longyuan Power wind power utilization hours about an improvement of 4.0%, and Datang new energy utilization hours of the expected year-on-year improvement of 5.1%.
In addition, the 2013 National Energy Board policy from the wind power market space, sent, run and renewable energy subsidies for all-round optimization, another key indicator of wind power grid level, the bottleneck is also substantial acceleration to get through. The statistics show that the first quarter of this year, the country's wind power grid electricity of 32.8 billion kwh, equivalent to 1/3 of the last year, the national wind power grid capacity accounted for approval of the proportion of the total capacity of up to 61%.
Nevertheless, in recent years plagued the sound development of the wind power industry indicators of the "disposable air volume", last year abandoned wind industry caused economic losses of more than $ 10 billion, abandoned wind rate (of abandoned air flow to total installed capacity ratio) 17.12 %. To the first quarter of this year, the rate has reached 22.65%, indicating that the phenomenon of abandoned wind continues to increase.
Guotai Junan pointed out that with the improvement of grid conditions and low wind velocity, wind farm development, the domestic wind power market is getting warmer. But industry analysts further believe that this rebound may show a certain trend in the short term, but in the long run, if the the abandoned wind situation is not now improved greatly weakened this recovery trend, especially for wind power developers, abandoned wind lead to The project to develop positive reduction may slow the growth of wind power installed capacity.
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