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Wind power will support a good deal is expected to accelerate the industry is warmer
"The national energy board" to promote the sound development of wind power industry a number of opinions "have been submitted to the State Council, in a pending state." National Energy Bureau deputy director of new energy and renewable energy division Shi Lishan 16 held in the 2013 Beijing International Wind Energy Exhibition said.
Reportedly, the new deal is expected during the year issued, support as photovoltaic, will involve various technical, management, policy, system and other aspects, the specific policy has been drawn up, including renewable energy quota management approach. To basically solve the wind power cuts abandoned in 2 to 3 years.
This super expected policy the good has been ahead of the release of the wind power market. In the capital market related stocks rose at the same time, after two years of downlink period industry also showed signs of warmer. "Economic Reference News" the reporter understands, the recent wind power companies shipping significantly improved, some enterprises orders, expected that this trend will continue into the fourth quarter. But can not be ignored, the industry to be bottoming out remains to be seen.
"Our rules of the existing power system operation and management system is not suitable for the various types of power supply planning, lack of effective convergence, grid connected wind power technology and management level should be improved, the whole society will wind power alternative to coal-fired electricity concept no consensus." The national energy board on the new energy and renewable energy secretary Wang Jun at the meeting pointed out, it is the existence of these problems, the abandon wind power phenomenon is quite serious, restricting the sustainable development of wind power.
"Abandon wind power to solve the problem, we should strengthen the study and operation more serious power area of regulation, formulate targeted solutions. At the same time for the implementation of the introduction of the quota system for renewable energy. We are doing this work, for two to three years to basically solve the problem of electricity." Wang Jun said. According to one industry source, "measures" management of power quota of renewable energy has been repeatedly discussion and revision, the basic framework is, to every province of the country is divided into four categories, each category area under different renewable energy mandatory consumption ratio, but in the specific proportion we have dispute. While other trans regional power transmission, wind power heating has also been in the pilot, the future will be the introduction of specific policies.
"Wind power industry affected by the policy in particular, in good policy is expected, the second half of the year as investors begin to restore confidence, we order was significantly increased, prices also rose slightly." In the exhibition scene, Sinovel domestic market sales person in charge said.
"We put forward the development goal for 2020 is 200000000 kW, now to achieve this goal, there should be no big problem." At the meeting Shi Lishan optimistic estimate. But Sinovel vice chairman Tao Gang told reporters during the exposition, that it is not fully warmed up, although the fan prices rebounded slightly, but the removal of material cost, labor cost, maintenance cost, the vast majority of enterprises still do not earn money, the current positive shipment is mainly in order to digest inventory, balance of income.
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